Building an Options-Based Observability Strategy

Building an Options-Based Observability Strategy

Move over, monitoring! There’s a new kid in town when it comes to helping enterprises understand their sprawling infrastructure and application environments: Observability. As the hype around o11y increases, IT and security pros risk repeating their monitoring mistakes. They need a new options-based approach that frees them from vendor lock-in and maximizes flexibility.

Join Cribl’s Nick Heudecker and Art Chavez for this exclusive on-demand webinar, where you’ll learn how an options-based approach can help you:

  • Avoid repeating the same mistakes from monitoring, including overly-centralized approaches to observability
  • Break free from monolithic platforms, so you can keep up with changes in the market
  • Open up future technology options and react faster to new business requirements
  • Three key steps to building an options-based observability strategy

Watch the On-Demand Webinar

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