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Navigating the Data Current 2024: Exploring Cribl.Cloud Analytics and Customer Insights

July 31, 2024
Written by
Nick Heudecker's Image

Nick Heudecker leads market strategy and competitive intelligence at Cribl. Prior to join... Read Moreing Cribl, he spent over seven years as an industry analyst at Gartner, covering the data and analytics market. With over twenty years of experience, he has led engineering and product teams across multiple successful startups in the media and advertising industries. Read Less

Categories: Announcements

IT and security teams dealt with massive changes a few short years ago. New deployment environments added to the monitoring toil, while architectural shifts complicated IT operations’ cost and performance effectiveness. On the security side, the protected perimeter expanded exponentially. These factors resulted in a huge increase in data volumes and complexity, leading teams to turn to tooling and platforms to cope with their data.

These challenges have become more acute as our customers approach the midpoint of the decade. Thankfully, the approaches to solving them have become more pragmatic. IT and security teams are shifting from a focus on tools and platforms to the fundamentals: managing and controlling data for better observability and cybersecurity outcomes, regardless of the tools and platforms in use.

According to our inaugural Navigating the Data Current report, Cribl looks at the IT and security landscape through the anonymized data of our customers using Cribl.Cloud to manage their telemetry data. Navigating the Data Current explores teams’ evolving priorities, shifting deployment environments, and trends around tooling and platforms.

This year’s report explores:

  • The growth of data sources in today’s enterprise
  • How the cloud impacts technology choices for IT and security teams
  • Diversification in the SIEM space
  • Popular data destinations and how they’re evolving
  • And many other topics

Download Navigating the Data Current today to get the full insights and data. Stay tuned as we release more insights and prescriptive information to help your teams extract the most value from their data.


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